Nov 3rd, 23

0 min read

What Is Climate Change: Causes, Impact on Humans and Animals

By Son Vu

Climate change is a pressing global issue that affects not only the environment but also the lives of humans and animals. In this comprehensive article, EQUO will delve into the various aspects of Climate change, including its causes, its impact on both the natural world and human society, and the measures taken to address and mitigate its effects. 

1. What is Climate change?

To understand Climate change, we must first grasp its basic concept. Climate change refers to long-term changes in Earth's temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions. It's not a recent phenomenon; Earth's climate has naturally changed over millennia. However, current Climate change is primarily driven by human activities and has accelerated in the past century.

What is Climate change?
Source: Internet

2. Causes of Climate change

Human activities are the primary cause of Climate change, but natural factors also play a role.

2.1. Human contributions to Climate change

Human activities are the main culprits behind the rapid changes in our climate. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, and agriculture release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. These gasses, including Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4), trap heat from the sun, leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Human contributions to Climate change
Source: Internet

2.2. Natural factors in Climate change

While human activities play a significant role in Climate change, natural factors also contribute. Volcanic eruptions, variations in solar radiation, and natural climate oscillations can influence Earth's climate patterns. However, their impact is currently outweighed by human-induced changes.

Understanding the causes of Climate change is essential for developing effective solutions.

3. Climate change and animals

One of the most immediate threats to animals is habitat loss due to Climate change. Rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns disrupt ecosystems, forcing animals to migrate or adapt to new conditions. Many species, especially those with specific habitat requirements, face extinction if they cannot find suitable environments.

Marine life is particularly vulnerable to Climate change. Rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification harm coral reefs and disrupt fish populations. This has cascading effects on the entire ocean food web, impacting fisheries and the livelihoods of communities dependent on them.

Climate change and animals
Source: Internet

We must act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our planet's biodiversity. Animals play a vital role in ecosystems, and their loss would have devastating consequences for humans and the environment.

4. Climate change and humans

Climate change affects humans in numerous ways. Increased temperatures can lead to heatwaves, while altered precipitation patterns can result in droughts or floods. These extreme weather events disrupt agriculture, water supply, and infrastructure, affecting our daily lives.

We must build resilience to Climate change to protect our communities and livelihoods. This includes investing in climate-smart infrastructure, developing sustainable management practices, and raising awareness of the risks and opportunities posed by Climate change.

Climate change and humans
Source: Internet

5. Climate change policies

Climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution. International agreements like the Paris Agreement provide a framework for international cooperation on Climate change.

5.1. Climate change agreements

International agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to unite nations in the fight against Climate change. These agreements set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices.

5.2. Climate change policy challenges

Implementing Climate change policies is challenging due to economic interests, political barriers, and differing priorities among nations. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial for effective climate action.

Despite the challenges, it is imperative that we take action on Climate change now. The costs of inaction are simply too high. We must work together to implement effective Climate change policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to the impacts of Climate change.

6. Taking action against Climate change

The challenge of Climate change can often seem insurmountable, but the power to enact change lies within each of us. Whether through personal lifestyle adjustments or advocacy for systemic change, there are various avenues to contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's explore some actionable steps we can all take.

6.1. Reducing waste

Reducing waste, reusing, and recycling are ways to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate Climate change to some extent. Therefore, carry reusable bags when shopping to limit plastic bag use and reuse or recycle plastic items to minimize hard-to-decompose plastic waste.

Invest in quality products that are long-lasting or opt for products made from natural materials that are environmentally friendly and easily biodegradable in natural environments.

Tip: You can switch to using sustainable straws made from grass, rice, coffee, sugarcane, or coconut. These straws are 100% biodegradable and can decompose in the environment within 3-6 months. You can find more information about EQUO's sustainable straws at:


EQUO's straws

6.2. The shift to renewable energy

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar and wind is critical. Investing in renewable energy not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also creates a sustainable energy future. Remember, it's not just the responsibility of governments and corporations—individuals can also make a difference by adopting renewable energy in your homes.

6.3. Adjusting one small habit at a time

Although climate change is a daunting challenge that requires efforts from many fronts, as individuals, we can focus on changing our habit to be greener everyday. By using one less plastic bag or one less plastic straw, you are already helping the environment. Be conscious of your consumption habits, check packaging carefully for green certifications and choose eco-friendly products like EQUO's.


EQUO's products

6.4. Advancements in green technology

Innovations in green technology, such as electric vehicles and smart grids, are accelerating our path to a sustainable future. Supporting these technologies through investment or usage can make a significant difference.

6.5. The role of education

Ignorance is one of the greatest barriers to combating Climate change. Thus, education is key. Whether it's educating ourselves, our communities, or advocating for climate education in schools, knowledge empowers us to take informed actions.

Taking action against Climate change

6.6. Collective action and policy advocacy

While individual actions are crucial, they are most effective when complemented by systemic changes. This means advocating for sound climate policies at local, national, and international levels. Engage with community organizations, participate in climate strikes, or write to your representatives. In a democracy, the collective voice is a powerful tool for change. By making our voices heard, we can push for the implementation of policies that can significantly mitigate the impacts of Climate change.

In conclusion, climate change is a complex global issue with far-reaching impacts on both the natural world and human society, requiring global cooperation. However, you can still join EQUO in practicing sustainable practices. Small actions can have a big impact when multiplied by millions.

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